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Why you should join RCV

The Rugby Club of Victoria welcomes anyone who loves rugby, no matter their allegiance to an existing rugby club or nation - its all about mateship and love of the game. 


Annual membership is just $50 for each calendar year and you will receive the below;

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Camaraderie, fellowship, mateship via the RCV rugby community

Test match tickets

Advance access to test match rugby tickets (before the general public) 


Access to a comprehensive calendar of events - rugby and social - around which to plan your rugby year


Share in RCV’s advocacy role, to help promote the growth of rugby in Victoria

Member discounts

Special member pricing for selected RCV events

Early access

Preferential bookings and attendance at regular and special events, featuring world class guest speakers

Support grassroots

Be part of an organisation that supports grassroots rugby, including choosing which growth ideas to fund

Social media

Join in RCV’s on-line community, via your favourite social channel

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